Quicksilver in the Community

As one of the region’s major employers, Quicksilver is very much a part of our community and is committed to supporting the community in which we operate.

We are actively involved in many projects including charity and fundraising initiatives, educational and environmental responsibilities.
Our annual Quicksilver Group Christmas Charity Appeal commenced in 2004 and is a wonderful example of uniting with our industry colleagues to assist local charities in their work to support those less fortunate in our community.

Our team of marine biologists are involved in local school education to promote environmental awareness and support the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority “Reef Guardians” program.

We are a proud supporter of the annual Port Douglas Carnivale, held in May each year, a celebration of our wonderful tropical lifestyle. You will be sure to see the fun loving Quicksilver crew take to a different kind of ‘float’ during the street parade!

Holly and Simone
QS PD Carnivale
QS School Engagement